版本需求:Android 1.6 以上版本
聯絡地址:〒105-0004 東京都港区新橋1-18-21 第一日比谷ビル5F
Android OS 5 or higher is not supported
You can find quickly the position of the Buddhist image (National treasures of Japan) by this app!
Position of the Buddhist image that has scattered in various parts of Japan is display on the map.
Directions search to the Buddhist image uses GPS.
(1).The position of a national treasure the present place peripheral is displayed with the pin by using GPS.
(2).The Buddhist image is selected from the list.
Directions search
The directions search is possible based on information on the present place and the Buddhist image.
*Related web search
The web retrieval result can be displayed by making the Buddhist image name a key word in the application program.
*Related Image Search
The web Image retrieval result can be displayed by making the Buddhist image name a key word in the application program.
*Wikipedia Search
The content of Wikipedia of the national treasure that is the relation can be displayed on a detailed page in the application program.
This application is connected with the Internet by using 3G network or WiFi.
GPS is used for the display at the present place and the directions search. Please turn on the GPS function and use it.
The retrieval result of relation web retrieval is a retrieval result of web that makes the national treasure name a key word. A retrieval result not related might be displayed as the national treasure name.
It is not the one to assume any responsibilities of all acts that the user does by using information on this application program and the displayed web site.